Saturday, March 22, 2014

Beijing: Sometimes I get it right.

It feels better when things go according to plan. In this case, I bought some Fujifilm Provia 400XX slide film from the Carrboro store of Southeastern Camera and Supply. Besides being beautiful film, it is also discontinued and therefore expensive. In addition , being slide film it does not tolerate a bad exposure well, which is a challenge because I intended to use it in a camera that does not have a built in light meter.

I admit to being a little nervous about whether I got the correct exposure or not, but when I got the slides back I was well pleased with my efforts. I think I sometimes choose to do things the more challenging way because it is often more satisfying when you are successful!

Life is that way as well!

The first images are from Yuanmingyuan's  Temple Festival and the ones with the snow are from the 798 Art District. the link is in Chinese, but you are all fluent, right?


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