Friday, April 22, 2011

To Court

The reason I took a day off in the first place was to go to court. I hadlet the tags on my car expire and a keen-eyed Cary police lady noticed before I did! I fixed it a few days later and went downtown to pay the piper.  I had my mment in court and the DA dismissed the charges and I left a free man without having to pay a thing! So it all worked out well in the end!

With court costs, $166! Good times!

Notice how happy I look?

The Wake County Courthouse!

to the Dump!

I decided on my day off to take a load of trash to the Johnston County Container site. I put on my trash moving overalls and packed up my element and hauled it all over there. When I was done, I put my element on a ramp and then hosed it out.  It felt good having taken care of removing the trash from my home environment!

Packed up and ready to go!

Check out the Coveralls! Nice!

Tucker, while this is going on!

Welcome to the container site!

Look Ma, all gone!... but is that trash juice on the floor? We have to fix that!

The Element on a ramp, so the water will drain out the side and back!

That's better; all clean now!

Job done, the Element is back to normal!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

the Fire Pit

My friend Dan got a rotisserie for his fire pit and decided to have friends over to share some chicken roasted over the fire pit.  It was a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon and an amazing adventure in good friendship! I took these with my Blackberry, but I have some with my D-lux4 to post later.

Guess what? what? chicken Butt!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Tough Game!

I only got to one game this weekend, and it happened to be Miss Katherine's! The team she had was tough and they had a few bigger kids that were really tough, but Miss Katherine was just as tough, as you can see!