Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beijing: Nanjing Impressions

Nanjing Impressions has a men of traditional cuisine. It was a really great experience.  I got to try one of my most desired meals. One that I had heard of in many Kung Fu movies, but never thought I would ever actually experience in real life: Stinky Tofu! Besides that, they had many great dishes. My favorite was dumplings they has with duck inside. I bit into one and my mouth was filled with delicious duck juices and love! (ok, I am clearly overstating it, but it was hella-good). If you find yourself in Beijing and hungry for something amazing, this is worth checking out. It was one of the best experiences I had in China.


stewed beef

Duck dumplings! Best thing ever!

Back outside, the world suddenly reverted back to color! :)

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