Saturday, January 7, 2012

The snare drum renewal project (part 2)

So now it's time to replace the snares. It's pretty straightforward, just unscrew the old ones and put the new ones back in the same way. Two things to remember: 1) release the tension from the clutch before you begin and throw off the snares. 2) align the non moving end with where the old one was (almost to the edge and not centered) because it will move towards the clutch when you throw the snares back on.
Now it's finished and sitting with the floor tom I changed the head on earlier today before I put them back away. My small set is almost done. I still have to do the bass drum, but that will be another day!
And I have to do four drums of my large set. I already have the stuff. It's just a matter of when it becomes the "project of the day!"

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