Saturday, January 4, 2014

December walking around pics

These were some pictures I took while walking around during december (or driving around or at my house):

This is actually on my street. I always liked that house across the field. I have never gotten the picture of it that I see in my head , but I also have not made it a point to get it yet. Sometimes, we leave something for tomorrow.

This is probably one of the most photographed areas in Wake County: the counter at Southeastern Camera and Supply! where people try out new lenses, cameras and viewfinders

I shot these while driving...well, not while actually moving, but while in my car.

This is a dinner I made: Rice with cheese and margarine and steamed dumplings.  Shades of earthy could use some greens and reds (or oranges or other vegetative matter)

This is my Leica M3. I love the leather covering. I don't love that a former owner carved his name in the back.

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